Legislative Accomplishments
Photo Credit: Office of Governor Wes Moore
In the 2023 legislative session I am happy to report that I sponsored or cosponsored fifty (50) bills, of which 20 became law. A full list of my bills can be found HERE
I’d like to highlight a few of my bills:
HB 1237
In particular, I want to mention a bill of which I was the primary sponsor. It provides that parents who successfully sue their school system on behalf of their children with disabilities who are entitled to but are not receiving necessary supports and services to be reimbursed for attorney’s fees and expert witness fees. This was a very important issue because the cost of suing the school system is exorbitant. The costs range in the tens of thousands of dollars. This bill, which is now the law, allows parents a better chance to see that the needs of their children are met.
HB 1 was a bill that allowed victims of sexual abuse as children, under the age of 18, to sue their abusers without regard to how long ago the offence occurred. Prior to this bill there were time limits, which often expire, barring minors who are now adults from going after the abusers and receiving justice.
HB 226
HB 226 changes the definition, expanding it, as to who is considered “a person in a position of authority” in regard to sexual offenses against minors. The prior law provided that a person in a position of authority over a child who committed a sexual offence had enhanced punishments. However, the prior law left out many people who are in positions of authority over children. This law closes this loophole and provides greater protection for children.
HB 824
HB 824 helps protect Maryland citizens against the improper use of handguns. The Supreme Court recently gutted many of the country’s statutes which regulated firearms. In response to that decision, this bill revised Maryland’s regulations in order to comply with the Supreme Court ruling and also provide the maximum amount of protection against firearm misuse permitted by law. The bill has many components. Some highlights of the legislation include an increase in the maximum jail time permitted for violations of prohibitions regarding wearing, carrying and transporting. The law also modifies and expands existing prohibitions related to the possession of regulated firearms. It enhances the requirements and procedures relating to the issuance and renewal permits to carry or transport a handgun. Importantly, it also provides updated and expanded firearm training course requirements.
HB 908
HB 908 Regarding environmental policy, I cosponsored HB 908 which requires a community solar energy generating system to serve at least 40% of its kilowatt-hour output to low-income and moderate-income subscribers under certain circumstances.